jack's web(site) :3

hello!! i love the heta archive

i'm gonna be honest i'm just messing around on here, ignore this >///< well yeah we obviously couldn't tell by my amazing user, @theratsaresuffocating...... i'm just tryingt to learn html, it's very hard. but this is better than scratch and i ADORE website building!!! i'm sorry that was a lot of word vomit, i love talking. anyways, i'll get back to this when i figure it out! byeeee???? :P P.S. html is hard :( i might get my cousin to show me the ropes, heh

part 2 to the series!!

okay, well! i'm back, updating this sight again! i might just treat it like something of a diary. because who's gonna find it anyway? i mean SERIOUSLY, who could think of the url 'theratsaresuffocating.neocities.org'?? no one, exactly. >:) and i would rant about random things which i probably could because i'm in algebra as of now but honestly, i don't wanna unless it was creepypasta which my memory isn't even that good on anyway and i always mess up the lore even of my favorite characters, and the creepypasta site PLUS wiki is blocked on the wifi so i'm surprised that neocities isn't. same thing with homestuck, it was fine last year but ohhhh no! over the summer they finally got to it and i have no idea how, it didn't even deserve to be blocked really!! it doesn't even mention much but buckets!!!! but i guess at the end of the day there's nothing you can do but suck it up and cry. and i mean i might keep updating this, a lot better than going onto 4chan which i think is also blocked. let me check?? it is!!! well, i don't wanna be on there with those creeps anyway, those videos all make me feel weird. i mean where could you find SUCH a bait site as 4chan, it's honestly incredible. i've been feeling very anxious lately like someone's watching me, i wanna get tested for some psychotic disorders but no one believes me, am i imagining everything? i mean yeah, schizoprenia isn't common in my family but it could be the case and it's kind of scary. i mean, that disorder kills people ya know? but all i can do is deal with the nagging feeling that someone's watching me through my window while i sleep, not much i can do about it saying that i'm scared of everything anyway, but imagine i WAS getting stalked and it was just my amazing senses that told me that i could be, i mean i'd feel PRETTY smart if i do say so myself. also sorry for the weird typing but i just love talking and this is how i talk, i love capslocking words because i feel like it emphasizes my point but it all depends on what word you capslock and the clickity from my keyboard is kind of loud and eveyrone's taking an exam right now so it might be a be distracting so i'll get off. or maybe not, maybe it seems like i'm actually doing work instead of spouting nonsense into the world that is my index.html file. that makes me feel a lot better about this, yeah! watch me do my "work"! wink wink ;3. class ends in 10 minutes. off topic but do you ever just come up with rqandom acronyms and then never remember what they mean when the time comes because i always do that, i was reading a journal from a few years ago and there were all these shortened phrases i for some reason never gave a translation too, so goodluck ever figuring out what those mean. i mean, NBA?? what could tht possibly mean besides national badminton alcoholics! okay, okay, joking, joking. but seriously, WHAT?? and that log was not in the context of basketball either. a lot of people say that i could play basketball because i'm pretty tall but i've never had an interest, i mean i kinda suck at it but i don't really need to point that part out. what i do have interest in though is those dancing games at the arcade you know? dance dance revolution, pump it up, dancerush stardom, they're all so fun! especially drs, i love shuffling but piu is definitely second place because it has bad apple on it's machine, sorry ddr! but back to what i was getting at, i'm just gonna tell myself there is no one following me and it's just my anxiety, which actually did NOT work last time because last time i said something was my anxiety, i threw up in biochemistry so. yeah. it's actually a funny story besides throwing up a bunch of pills because i happened to have taken them on an empty stomach. and this was at the time i was struggling with my eating disorder thing so that didn't help either, sometimes i think it's still a problem but i'm getting a lot better with it, probably. i can't really tell anymore.